2025 AABIP Annual Conference

Session Proposals

The AABIP is now accepting session proposal submissions for the upcoming 8th Annual AABIP Conference to be held on August 14-16, 2025 in Austin, Texas. 

The scientific content of the program should be evidence-based and relevant to the clinical practice of Interventional Pulmonology and Advanced Bronchoscopy. Understanding the diversity of needs and interests in both our field and community, the scientific content of the 2025 AABIP Conference will be balanced into 6 major categories:
  • Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy
  • Airway-based Therapeutics
  • Pleural Diseases
  • Medical Education
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Miscellaneous (including quality improvement, reimbursement, health care access and equity, and gender and racial equity)

Deadline to submit: Monday, October 14, 2024

Resources for submitting your 2025 Session Proposals:
  1. Reference to 2024 Scientific Program and other past programs
  2. AABIP Webinar: Submitting High-Quality Session Proposals (watch here)